2021 LIGHTS IN THE HEIGHTS General information
We are happy to announce that the Annual Lights in the Heights 2021 will occur on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 6–9 PM. The featured streets this year will be Byrne and Euclid from Studewood to Beauchamp.
Due to the understandable late hour of approval for the event, there are many details still being solidified so please keep checking the website in real-time as our wonderful group of volunteers mobilize to give you a fun-filled and exciting night of Lights in the Heights! Please feel free to book your porch entertainment, but keep in mind that noise ordinances revert to the City of Houston after 9 PM.
We can’t wait to see everyone out there in all their holiday cheer!
To get around traffic, encourage your friends and guests to leave their cars at home and arrive by bicycle to enjoy Lights in the Heights. BikeHouston will be providing free monitored bike parking on the Norhill esplanade at Bayland Street starting at 6pm and ending at 9pm Saturday December 11, 2021. Bike valet is for visitors on bikes who want to experience Lights in the Heights on foot. It’s simple. Your friends and guests can ride their bikes to the Norhill esplanade at Bayland Street. Volunteers will check their bike in and provide a claim check. Make sure your guests pick up their bikes before 9:00 pm when BikeHouston packs up and goes home.
2021 Honoree
This year we are celebrating local hero Paul Carr whose tractor rides exhilarated the neighborhood for over 30 years. Unfortunately, he is retiring this year, but not without tribute. Paul Carr’s love for hayrides was born when he took a hayride from Pin Oak Stables through Memorial Park as a pre-teen while living in the Heights in the 1940s. That first impactful hayride evolved into a tradition well engrained in the heart of Woodland Heights.
Thirty-two years ago, the inaugural Lights in the Heights gave him an excuse to start his own hayride tradition using a tractor he purchased for his Civic work on Heights Blvd. Its popularity grew it from one ride a year to two every night of December; always free of charge. Paul graciously dedicated his time to the fun and joy of giving. As he retires this year, the 2021 Lights in the Heights ornament is dedicated to him for his radiance and love of togetherness. His legacy will always live on in the spirit of the event. Paul Carr is, and always will be, our Woodland Heights hero.
How Lights in the Heights 2021 Came Together
After 2 years without Lights in the Heights (LITH) and just 5 weeks away from this year's event we were surprised to receive city permit approvals. Our veteran LITH Committee sprang into action and let us know that if we approved it, they could make it happen in the limited time. The board needed to make the decision on whether to move forward and based our decision on whether people wanted to have it back and how to pay for it. We spoke with WHCA members and neighbors who overwhelmingly welcomed the return of LITH. We will be surveying members for feedback on ways to improve next year.
In 2018, proceeds from LITH and Home Tour allowed us to commit to donations of over $25,000 to our local school grounds and parks. 2019/2020 saw a drop in memberships, the Constable Patrol continued to be underfunded, and events were canceled. We've seen improvements in 2021 but not enough to offset losses.
We were concerned that sponsors may have suffered similar losses and not be in a position to support us. It turned out that company and individual sponsors were just as excited as neighbors and we are on track to have the event fully funded. Looking forward to the events our dedicated committee and board members have planned for us.
Seeking Entertainers for Lights in the Heights®️
The Entertainment Committee for this year's Lights in the Heights is looking for homeowners along the route who are interested in volunteering to host a musical group. If you are interested in volunteering to host please reply to Kent Brock at entertainmentlith@gmail.com with the following information:
Porch Size
Type of Music Preferred
Contact Information
Only civic association members can have entertainment placed by the WHCA. However, if you choose to provide your own entertainment you are free to do so but we ask that you let Ken Brock know so he can coordinate the placement of WHCA provided entertainment.
The Entertainment Committee is also interested in musical performers who want to perform so if you know of any please refer them to Kent at the above email address. Also, if you are already planning to host your own band or musicians please let Kent know so that he can try to space out performers along the route.
Appreciate your help!
Sponsorships for Lights in the Heights®️
We know you're tired of hearing the ole' pandemic excuse, but thanks to Covid-19, the future of this year's LITH was much less than certain! We just got word that we can move forward with LITH 2021, but because of a much later than usual permit approval, many of the events that would have occurred by now just haven't happened.
One of those very important events is the LITH Gala, which serves a great source of fun and funding for Lights in the Heights. Due to limited time and revenue, this year's event will be scaled back and we may not be able to do everything we've done in the past. We will still have policing, porta-potties, traffic control and street closures - all the necessities, but we may not be able to provide support with decorations and luminaries along the route.
Because of this, we are asking for support from our neighbors and past sponsors to do whatever they can to make this year's event great! Below is information on our sponsorship levels and how you can submit an individual donation, as well as contact information for those who would like to volunteer time and talents:
To volunteer, contact: lightsintheheights@gmail.com
To donate, visit our website: Sponsorship
Sponsorship Levels:
Individual donor - $50
Bronze sponsor - $250
Silver - $500
Gold - $1000
Platinum - $2500
Underwriter - $5000Sponsorships for Lights in the Heights®️
We know you're tired of hearing the ole' pandemic excuse, but thanks to Covid-19, the future of this year's LITH was much less than certain! We just got word that we can move forward with LITH 2021, but because of a much later than usual permit approval, many of the events that would have occurred by now just haven't happened.
One of those very important events is the LITH Gala, which serves a great source of fun and funding for Lights in the Heights. Due to limited time and revenue, this year's event will be scaled back and we may not be able to do everything we've done in the past. We will still have policing, porta-potties, traffic control and street closures - all the necessities, but we may not be able to provide support with decorations and luminaries along the route.
Because of this, we are asking for support from our neighbors and past sponsors to do whatever they can to make this year's event great! Below is information on our sponsorship levels and how you can submit an individual donation, as well as contact information for those who would like to volunteer time and talents:
To volunteer, contact: lightsintheheights@gmail.com
To donate, visit our website: SponsorshipSponsorship Levels:
Individual donor - $50
Bronze sponsor - $250
Silver - $500
Gold - $1000
Platinum - $2500
Underwriter - $5000
House Judging, DEcorating & awards
Each year, the LITH committee hands out awards for a range of decorating categories, from most wattage to most traditional. This year judges will be rolling down the route the evening of Tuesday, December 7th. Make sure to have your decorations lit! If you’re ON the route, you’re automatically in the running. If you’re OFF the route, nominate a member’s home by emailing lightsintheheights@gmail.com so the judges know to include you in the competition. The traditional categories are listed below, but keep in mind that several write-in categories occur every year for those extra special original ideas so feel free to be creative! Good luck to you all!
Live along the route and would love to light up the night with your home, but untangling light strings gives you nightmares? Or, more seriously, age, injury or illness makes decorating a challenge? Santa’s elves, A.K.A. the LITH committee, may be able to help. Volunteers will again be providing assistance to those who can’t do the decorating themselves. Email to lightsintheheights@gmail.com to be considered. Please indicate if you have lights or need them supplied. Also send us a message if you have extra lights or other decorations you’d like to donate, or if you’re willing to help with the decorating.
Will Your Block Be The Best?
This year (along the route only) there will be a “Best Block” award decided by the LITH judges. Your block can claim the bragging rights for best overall, so get busy stringing up those lights with your neighbors! Some blocks already are planning to work with neighbors (who, for whatever reason, can’t decorate for themselves) to help them light up the night. How will your block put its best foot forward? NOT on the route this year? Enjoy the amped up displays! Feel free to offer your decorating expertise to friends and neighbors along the route so they can shine!
2021 Award Categories
· Best Block
· Best Inflatables
· Best Porch
· Best Single Color
· Best Theme
· Ho-Ho-Ho!
· Most Colorful
· Most Creative
· Most Festive
· Most Historical
· Most Mystical
· Most Religious
· Most Traditional
· Most Wattage
· Pick of the Night
visit our general store for merchandise, sponsorship & membership
Support the civic association by becoming a paid member. Your membership dues support:
Common area maintenance
Lights in the Heights
WHCA Newsletter publication
Website Maintenance
Deed restriction enforcement
100+ Club Sign for Eligible Homes
This membership is annually renewed automatically for your convenience. You can log into the membership portal and change your membership at any time.
Be a Lights in the Heights® Hero
You can support our efforts by becoming a Business Sponsor of Lights in the Heights. Your support will not only help cover the costs but your company’s brand and your support of LITH will be seen by the thousands who attend Lights In The Heights and the Lights in the Heights Bash.