Yard-of-the-Month: 2803 Julian by Lori Bigler

Brandon and Kelly Jacob bought the house next door in 1996 and became the third owners of a darling bungalow on a large corner lot.  A  second story addition in  2016 greatly expanded the home and oriented views to the side yard with designs to build a swimming pool.  Instead of a pool, they opted to create several outdoor areas: one with a fireplace, a large pot garden flanked by a fountain,  a separate seating area with swings and a fire pit, and the Piece de Resistance is their Treedeck Oasis with its bright yellow chairs!   
While the front yard is planted with many heat tolerants like salvia, Little John bottlebrushes, loropetalum, creeping yews, rosemary and more, their attractive stoop is flanked by pots of succulents which makes it all very inviting.
With the heat and social distancing in place, Kelly and Brandon have managed to have a ideal place outside to meet friends, admire the beauty they have created and enjoy the outdoors.  Kudos and a Tip of the Trowel to you!

- Allison Hartzell, Dir of Beautification

Yard-of-the-Month: 607 Gladys by Lori Bigler

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July YOTM just yells for red, white and blue decor! 607 Gladys fits that bill. Jayne and Pat who are long time residents and tireless volunteers for the neighborhood have a bounty of color along with July 4 whirligigs.  Their crepe myrtles, dianthuses, and hibiscus really pop out of the lush greenery in their front yard.  Due to COVID distancing, they were not interviewed for this article.
If you have a nomination or suggestion for YOM, please email beautification@woodland-heights.org.

- Allison Hartzell, Dir of Beautification

Beware the Gardening Fairies! by Lori Bigler

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We have gardening fairies who volunteer their time to weed, water, plant and generally maintain the Watson esplanade that you see as you enter the neighborhood from the south.  These neighbors toil away so please tell them thank you if you see them out and about.


  • Pat Schaper

  • Pat Rutledge

  • Dan Rueda

  • Nicole Wyman

  • Louise Moss

Also, please give them a wide berth if you see their orange cones out at the esplanade while they are working.  Looks great ya'll!!