Shawn & Dominique Rodgers, at 3002 Norhill, love supporting local businesses and love planting their own plants each season. Everything in their yard was sourced this past Spring from Buchanan’s Native Plants on 11th Street. Dominique spent several days researching to pick out just the right plants. They wanted hardy perennials that were heat and cold tolerant, drought resistant, good with full and partial sun areas of the yard, and ones that would mix well together for visual and textural appeal.

So far they have done the job, including:
Fox Tail Ferns
Monkey Grass
Regular Mondo Grass
Bronze Ajuga - ground cover, perennials (along the flower bed borders) - these are some of their favorites.
Queen Anne Lily of the Nile - perennial - around the base of the trees. These grew beautifully in their back yard, so transplanted to the front yard.
All Summer Gardenias - perennial (in the large pots.)
Baby Gem Boxwoods - perennials (in the medium sized pots) and regular boxwood in all the flower beds.
Black & Blue Salvia - perennial - around the street post and in the main flower beds. The bees & butterflies love these.
Salvia Amistad- perennial - in the main flower bed.
Angelonia - in the main flower beds
Cora cascade polka dot Trailing vinca - in the bed to the left of the house.
Graffiti White Pentas - perennial - all over the yard.
Zebra Hydrangea - on the porch in pots.
Living on the Norhill Esplanade means they have front row seats to the festivities every December, and are looking forward to celebrating with their neighborhood again this year!
- Stephanie Riceman, VP-Beautification