Alyssa and Jeremy Holub have done a spectacular job of incorporating their home with yard, making it a place to play and relax too. Working in architecture and a hobbyist woodworker, Jeremy has made their porch whimsical with details to showcase their plantings and salvaged and repurposed art.

The first eye-catching planting is their soft white dusty miller, looking glorious in our snowless climate. It is thriving and beautiful through the winter. Small lamb's ears counter on the other side of their swooshing and colorful steps. More include hydrangeas, foxtail fern, succulents, lilies, gardenia, white-blooming Katie Ruellia, and salvia for the bees. Color abounds with little orange bell flowers in cigar plants, snapdragons, and russelia (firecracker).
And a treat for the nose too! Society garlic at the steps and a rangoon creeper, which flavors their air of fruit punch all summer, guarded by Wallace the Lion, lofts over their trellised gate with a special feature for their pup - see if you can find her in the pictures!
Along the south side of their house and taking advantage of the little strip of land between driveway and home is a small transitioning garden with a hardy artichoke plant which gives generously. If you can keep from eating them, the bloom is amazing!
Giving them gentle shade through the summer are two tall cinnamon bark crepe myrtles, plus a little citrus tree.
All beautiful! Thanks for sharing your yard with our neighborhood!
- Stephanie Riceman, Dir of Beautification