Jeanette and Dannie Davis have been making things bloom in the Heights nearly all their lives. Jeanette grew up only a couple blocks away, and they are the second family in their home at 1116 Euclid. When they moved to their forever-home in 1976, they were the young ones on the block; now they nurture the neighborhood through all the changes.

Their massive water oak is center stage, and was planted the year their first child was born, more than 35 years ago. Seeing it now, their home looks tiny under its mighty limbs. Their second child was, and is, all about the out-of-doors, and was taking care of their yard and neighbors' yards beginning in elementary school. By high school it was a full job. Today he still keeps his parents' yard beautiful, plus many more in the Heights, and throughout Houston, with White Oak Groundskeeping. He takes after his dad who is always out tidying up neighbors' yards and clearing storm drains.
Edging into spring, the Davises' yard is alive with hydrangeas, Boston ferns, begonias, cyclamens, and ivy.
Their seasonal yard changes with every holiday, so while these pictures reflect February love, by the time this prints it will surely be lucky green.