Heights Bread Group Spawned by Pandemic or Where has all the flour gone? / by Lori Bigler

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With the pandemic, we have spent more time at home and some residents have had more time to indulge in various hobbies or passions. One such activity for a group of Heights residents has been baking, particularly bread, and particularly sourdough bread.

A few months ago, a local bread baker, Jan Ford Young, had the idea of giving away sourdough starter to get others into bread making. She posted on Next Door and the requests literally poured in. To date, Jan has given away 107 jars of sourdough starter from her back porch.

As it turns out, not everyone who took the starter knew how to use it. Jan created a Facebook page which allows her to post bread pictures, links to bread tutorials, recipes, and a forum for other bakers to share their successes, failures, and get advice. Jan has basically become a Mother Hen to Heights bakers and we thank her for that service.

If you are interested in baking, join the group. As it turns out there is a lot to learn about bread culture and it is fun. Looking at a fresh baked loaf that you baked yourself makes you feel slightly euphoric.

To check out the Facebook Group, go to Facebook and search for Houston Heights Bread Club. You can contact Jan directly via email: Jan.young@icloud.com. She is happy to share a starter with you, but she may need a jar in return. Happy baking. You can do this.

- Debbie Hall