Keep Woodland Heights Beautiful! Volunteer Opportunities / by Michael Graves

According to Keep Houston Beautiful's 2020 Litter Study, released in 2021, we have some cleaning up to do! While the study indicates significant improvements over the years, it also averages out that there are still 50 billion pieces of litter on the ground or about 152 pieces of litter for every American. But here's the inspiring part-one of the driving forces behind this tidying up is VOLUNTEERS! People just like you who have rolled up their sleeves, put on their gloves, reached for a trash bag and pitched in to be a part of the solution. Your efforts have made a significant impact, and we're proud of what we've achieved together.

In our Woodland Heights neighborhood, we can all help by looking at our greenspaces and parks and engaging in ongoing cleanup activities sponsored by the Woodland Heights Civic Association's Beautification Committee and the Friends of Woodland Park. Both organizations are working tirelessly to minimize the impact littering makes in our greenspaces and parks, and your participation is crucial in this ongoing effort.

The Woodland Heights Civic Association is working hard to care for the Watson and Norhill Esplanades, Ley Plaza Park, and its Butterfly Garden, the North Houston Avenue Esplanade (near Main Street and Houston Avenue). The Friends of Woodland Park concentrate on keeping one of Houston's oldest parks clean, with numerous volunteer work days and events.

Mark your calendars for the next WHCA Beautification Work Day, scheduled for Saturday, September 21st, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.The focus will be Ley Plaza Park (corner of White Oak and Gladys Streets). This is a great opportunity to join your neighbors in making a visible difference in our community.

The Friends of Woodland Park also have events focused on the environment and our feathered friends who live there from September 20th to the 22nd. September 20th celebrates World National Cleanup Day, the 21st features a Fall Bird Survey, and September 22nd is a cleanup at Woodland Park.

Both groups are always looking for people - individuals, groups, businesses, corporations, clubs, etc. - interested in devoting a few hours to volunteering for a good cause. There's a role for everyone, and your contribution, no matter how big or small, is valued. Upcoming neighborhood events and cleanup dates for both organizations can be found on the Woodland Heights Civic Association and Friends of Woodland Park Event Calendars on their respective websites.