Hats Off to Beautification Committee! / by Michael Graves

We Appreciate WHCA Volunteers!
to all the our dedicated Beautification Volunteers! Your willingness to give your time and service to do pick up trash, pull weeds, and just keep our Woodland Heights greenspaces looking beautiful is much appreciated! We'd like to recognize each and every one of you and  give you some well-deserved credit where it's due!.

Most of the WHCA Beautification Volunteers have been donating their time and hard work maintaining Woodland Heights garden spaces, esplanades, and greenspaces for a number of years. They would all love to have some extra hands to grab a shovel and pitch in to help. They've got the experience and knowledge to pass on about gardening and invite you to join them on one of the many volunteer workdays scheduled throughout the year. Here's some of the work they've been doing this past month.

WHCA Beautification Committee Volunteers at September 21st Ley Park Plaza Clean up

Ley Plaza Park Volunteer Clean Up!
This past Saturday, September 21, the new Director of Beautification, Ryan Taylor, working with veteran volunteers Pat Rutledge and Louise Moss and a new crew of volunteers tackled the Ley Plaza Park ravine and the Butterfly Garden. They cleared a mountain of trash that had been piling up on the north side of the park covering the drainage system that is part of the flood mitigation system. Just like the street storm sewers located throughout the neighborhood they work to divert water runoff away from your homes.

WHCA Volunteers clear debris from Ley Plaza Park Ravine

Parks and Greenspaces Role In a Community
Parks and greenspaces, like Ley Plaza Park, and Woodland Park are more than just greenspaces to relax and play in when the weather is fine. During storms and floods they retain water to keep it from flooding your homes. That is why volunteer work like that provided by the WHCA Beautification Committee is so important. They work to keep our neighborhood parks and greenspaces free of litter and debris so we can enjoy them - and this also helps the water flow away from homes when the weather threatens.

Beautification Ongoing Projects Report
Most of the WHCA Beautification Volunteers have been donating their time and hard work maintaining Woodland Heights garden spaces, esplanades, and greenspaces for a number of years. They would all love to have some extra hands to grab a shovel and pitch in to help. We invite you to join for one of the many volunteer workdays scheduled throughout the year. In the meantime, here's some of the work they've been doing this past month.

Watson Esplanade - Thank you to Pat Schaper and Louise Moss pulled weeds and pruned the rose and blue mist bushes for spending 7 hours! Additional work accomplished included:

  • Checking the sprinkler system for correct operation and checking the lighting on esplanade signage 

  • Volunteers are also on a weekly schedule to keep the Gulf Muhly grass watered and healthy   

Norhill Esplanade - The dead pine tree in the middle of the esplanade has been marked for removal by Houston Parks & Recreation Department's (HPARD) Urban Forestry section. Thank you to Parks!

Ley Plaza Park - Thank you to Pat Rutledge! for working with CenterPoint who has agreed to clear the power lines that run inside the park.

  • HPARD's Urban Forestry will be removing 3 – dead/diseased trees in the next coming weeks and will be scheduliing the removal of underbrush around the perimeter of the park in the Fall

Next Volunteer Opportunity!
Your next opportunity to volunteer to clean up greenspaces is on Saturday, September 28, 2024. The Houston Parks and Recreation Department will be holding a Park Recovery and Restoration Event at Woodland Park. Volunteers are encouraged to participate! See flyer below for more information!