Curbside Tree Project with Trees for Houston / by Lori Bigler


The WHCA is pleased and excited to announce that we are bringing back the Curbside Tree Project for late April in partnership with Trees for Houston. Homeowners will be able to select a tree of their choice for their yards from a selection available in our webstore. The WHCA will coordinate tree ordering, delivery and planting! A menu of trees is forthcoming but we will have a selection such as Live Oak, Bald Cypress, Loblolly Pine, Pecan, Red Maple, Shumard Oak, Redbud, Water Oak, Cedar Elm and possibly more.

  • Trees will be 15 gallon, 6-8' tall with approx. 1 1/2" caliper.

  • Trees will be delivered by WHCA volunteers, and we will be organizing additional volunteers to assist with some of the tree planting.

  • Pre-payment will be required.

  • Tree purchasers will be responsible for watering and maintaining the tree(s). Donut rings which replenish naturally except in really dry weather will also be available for purchase.

  • The total cost to the homeowner for the tree, donut ring and materials (soil, mulch, stakes, tree guard) will be approximately $100.00.

  • If you know of anyone who wants to participate but cannot afford to do so, please let us know and the WHCA will work with them.

  • Please consider making a donation to help cover tree grants for neighbors.

We'd like to get an understanding of the level of interest in the Curbside Tree Project, so if this sounds like something you would participate in, please check out the survey from our email campaign:

Curbside Tree Project

Trees benefit the neighborhood in so many ways from shade, bird and animal habitat, improving air quality, flood protection, improving the value of your home and more! Many trees in Woodland Heights were planted as curbside trees in the 2000s. I have 2 gorgeous live oaks and one huge magnolia in my own yard that were part of the earlier Curbside Projects.

- Allison Hartzell, Director of Beautification