
Alaina Hebert

Greater Heights Super Neighborhood 15 Council by Alaina Hebert


Event by Greater Heights Super Neighborhood Council

107 W 12th St, Houston, TX 77008

Duration: 2 hr

Public · Anyone on or off Facebook

The second quarter meeting of the Greater Heights Super Neighborhood Council (GHSNC) will be in person at the historic Houston Heights City Hall and Fire Station.

The main guest presentation will be from members of the Houston Planning Department on the Walkable Places and Transit-Oriented Development ordinances, so that GHSNC members and members of the public can have a better understand of these programs and how they might apply to our area. Other items on the agenda include TxDOT’s proposal to raise lanes on I-10 between Heights Blvd and I-45, updates from the stakeholder members, and other items of mutual interest.

The update on the 11th Street Safety Improvements project previously scheduled for this meeting will take place at a separate City meeting 6:00 PM the following night via Microsoft Teams Live. Visit for details.

Nominate for 2022 Board Elections by Alaina Hebert

In accordance with the WHCA bylaws, an election will be held at our Annual meeting on the second Tuesday of May. The WHCA is now accepting nominations for seats on the Woodland Heights Civic Association Board.

An election will be held at our 2022 Annual meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 for the following Board of Directors positions:

  • President

  • Dir - Beautification

  • Dir - Communications

  • Dir - Deed Restrictions

  • Dir - Security

Go to the 2022 Nominating Form and nominate yourself or a neighbor -