
WHCA Membership & Constable Patrol Subscriptions by Lori Bigler

Harry McMahon, President, addressing the November WHCA General Meeting

Harry McMahon, President, addressing the November WHCA General Meeting

At the most recent Woodland Heights Civic Association General Meeting, the Board of Directors announced a significant change in the way we take payments for subscriptions for both WHCA Membership and WHCA Constable Patrol. For those of you who did not brave the unseasonably cold weather that night, I would like to reiterate that announcement.

Commencing immediately, those who sign-up for WHCA membership and/or the Constable Patrol Program via our website can select a one-time transaction or an annually auto-renewing subscription. The auto-renewing option ensures your WHCA membership and/or support of the Constable Patrol Program never lapses.

Current WHCA memberships and CP subscriptions will expire on March March 31, 2020. You can renew online at the WHCA store or send a check to:

Woodland Heights Civic Association
P.O. Box 7754
Houston, Texas 77270-7754

If you are not a current subscriber, all you have to do is go to the WHCA online store and subscribe (auto-renewing or one-year.) You can also make your payment by mail.

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign....
Now for the tough part… delivery of Constable Patrol signs and sign stickers. As a Board, we have struggled in getting the stickers delivered. However, we are working diligently and have made excellent strides in getting the existing signs updated. If you have not had your active subscription sticker delivered and if you would like to pick-up your sticker, send an email request to Kelly Hare at She will put a sticker for you in a specifically designated mailbox at her home.

For those subscribers who don’t have a sign, we have ordered new signs and will deliver them as soon as we can.

I am in the process of updating our subscriber database and need your help. If you have paid for Constable Patrol and don’t have a 2019 sticker for your old sign or don’t have a sign, please let me know. You can email me at

I want to thank all the Woodland Heights residents who have subscribed to the Constable Patrol or enrolled in the Woodland Heights Civic Association. The Constable Patrol is 100% funded by subscriber dues. Constable Patrol dues fund the Constable Patrol only; nothing else. The more folks who subscribe, the better patrol coverage we can fund.

I also want Membership subscribers to know we use the funds from dues to support many efforts around the neighborhood. Beautification, deed restriction support, infrastructure issues, neighborhood involvement events and civic awareness are all issues we regularly and ardently champion.

Please be involved. Please be a Member. We can all help to move our wonderful neighborhood forward with your support.

- Harry McMahon, President
Woodland Heights Civic Association

Passing the Director of Membership Baton by Lori Bigler

As many of you know, this summer, our Director of Membership, Sharon Greiff, resigned her post on the Woodland Heights Civic Association Board of Directors. Speaking for the entire WHCA Board, we wish Sharon the best and hope to see her back involved with our wonderful neighborhood soon.

Since Sharon’s resignation, the Board has been keeping an eye out for a suitable replacement. Effective as of our last Board meeting, October 1, 2019, our search was officially ended. Kelly Hare, a 15-year resident of the Woodland Heights, accepted the Board’s nomination and was duly appointed to replace Sharon. Needless to say, the Board is excited to have Kelly on board. We all feel she will to a great job.

Kelly and her husband, Perry, have two boys. One son attends Travis Elementary and the other goes to Hogg Middle School. Professionally, she is Speech and Language Pathologist with her career currently on hiatus.

Please reach out to Kelly if you would like to become a member of the Woodland Heights Civic Association or if you have any questions about what being a member means. Her official WHCA email address is

Meeting Recap — Friends of Woodland Park, METRO, WHCA Updates by Guest User

Thanks to all who came to last night’s WHCA General Meeting. For those of you who couldn’t make it, here’s a brief recap: 
- We updated the neighborhood on the WHCA’s efforts to fund two Constable shifts. We have fully funded one shift, but are still approximately 75 subscribers shy of being able to fully fund the second shift without dipping into our reserve account. It's never too late to subscribe.
- The Friends of Woodland Park did a wonderful presentation to update the neighborhood on the beautification efforts in Woodland Park. They also unveiled a model of a beautiful new sculpture installation called Firefly Field by Houston artist and fourth generation Heights resident, Dylan Conner. Approval from the City of Houston is pending with a fundraising campaign to follow. Visit the FWP website for more details, and please support this great organization. 
- We heard reports from METRO regarding the bus route on Bayland and Woodland. More details coming in another post.
- We also received updates from the offices of Representative Alvarado and Council Member Gonzales. 
- Finally, we reminded the neighborhood that we’re now transitioning away from a paper newsletter to an e-newsletter. If you haven’t already signed up to receive the e-newsletter, please do so at our website.
Thanks again to those who came out.  We’ll see you in July!
Tim McConn
President, WHCA