Ryan Taylor

Beautification Update by Ryan Taylor

By Ryan Taylor

The start of this year has been filled with a lot of work for Beautification volunteers. We thank each and every one of our neighbors who take time out of their busy days to pitch in to help keep our neighborhood and its greenspaces clean and tidy!

Norhill Esplanade - A shout-out to Adam Linder for volunteering to refill the dog waste bags on the Norhill Esplanade. The WHCA purchases the bags, but we appreciate Adam's help filling the containers. Just a note to all doggie parents who use the bags and the Norhill Esplanade—please remember to pick up after your furry friends and dispose of their waste at home. The esplanade is one we all use, and it's much nicer when there aren't any surprises lying around in the grass."
A note regarding the water leak near the Norhill Esplanade. The board checked the leak on February 20, 2025, We determined it is not coming from the sprinkler system on the esplanade, it is on the COH side of the water meter and we have reported it via 3-1-1. We are working to get COH Public Works and Engineering to make the repair as it is on their side of the water meter and something they are responsible for fixing (we can't make the repair for them since it's on their side of the meter). We submitted the Service Request via 3-1-1 and have informed both our Courncil Member Mario Castillo, District H and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department of the problem and the submitted Service Request. They are support us in trying to get this repair made. We will keep you informed when we know more.

Historic Marker - The historic marker that used to be located at Travis Elementary at the corner of Beauchamp and Highland is temporarily in storage. It was moved before the renovation of that corner of Travis Elementary's play area. If you have never had a moment to read the sign, it details some of the historic roots of our neighborhood. Mark it as a good read for future reference once we've relocated the signage to a new spot in the neighborhood. We'll update you on that location shortly.

Ley Plaza, Woodland Park, Watson Esplanade - Many thanks to Pat Rutledge for winterizing the Ley Plaza & Woodland Parks sprinkler systems and Watson Esplanades before last month's freeze. We did not have any burst pipes or missing sprinkler heads because of his volunteer work. (The problem we're currently experiencing at the Norhill Esplanade is not part of our irrigation system. We checked our system the day one of our board members spotted it. The leak is actually on the COH side of the water line, and we've submitted a 3-1-1, as per COH policy, for repairs. In addition, we've alerted both Council Member Castillo's Office and Houston Parks and Recreation Department so they are aware of the problem. Both have responded and are working with us to address this problem. As we learn more, we will pass that information on to you. Thanks for your understanding).

Holiday Lights - Before I forget, thank you to Louise Moss for working on getting all the holiday lights picked up and packed up for next year. It's a seamless process that many may not notice as they go about their daily lives – but organization and dedication are the keys to making something work so smoothly. Louise has a great talent for both and I'm sure she'd appreciate having some apprentices to help so she can pass on her knowledge to them.

Wildflowers Growing - Just in case you think we forgot about the Houston Avenue Main Street Esplanade, and you're thinking it's looking a little ragged. Be assured we have not; wildflowers are growing there, and signage will be coming soon. So bear with us as things grow …  Spring is just around the corner.

Volunteers Always Welcome - It takes a village to handle things, and we appreciate all the volunteers who keep things going. If you'd like to join the WHCA Beautification Crew of volunteers, we'd love to have you! Individuals, businesses, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc., are welcome. You just need to be willing to take the time, dig in, and enjoy volunteering to make a difference in our neighborhood. It'll be fun and rewarding and a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends.

If you're interested in joining our crew, email me at beautification@woodland-heights.org.