Our family of five (Lucy, Wesley, Gus, Christina and Dusty) had a great time cruising the hood looking for homes participating in the great flower hunt. We had such a fun time looking for all the flowers in our neighborhood last week. Since the beginning of the social distancing, we have loved riding our bikes through the hood and the different treasure hunts added a new element with something new to look for each week.

We started with the rainbow hunt a few weeks ago, and enjoyed the sunshine, bear, and Easter egg hunts. This one was especially entertaining because we looked not only at the handmade flowers people created, but also all the flowers in people's front yards and gardens.
The most popular activity for our family is to yell out at the top of our lungs I FOUND A FLOWER - loud and proud. We love our neighborhood so much and the fun, creative ways we can come together as s community while respecting the social distancing rules.
Lucy (9) - "I liked getting out of the house, riding my bike and being with my family."
Wesley (8) - "I like to ride my bike by my friends' houses and look for their flowers."
Gus (3) - "I like it because I pick them up and give them to my friends because I want to." (He didn't do that, he's 3. What he really likes is riding in the bike trailer with his snacks, water bottle and music.)
Christina Wilkerson