As Beautification Director, I have been fortunate to meet many lovely people in our neighborhood these last two years. It's been exciting to knock on doors, never knowing who I might meet, and always having unexpected and delightful conversations. Each was a little different, but one theme was a constant: our neighbors' gardens give them peace and joy. Our neighbors love their piece of earth and love learning how to tend it so it gives back. It's been fulfilling to tell these neighbors that their care for their gardens brings peace and joy to their community too. We are all so lucky to call them neighbors.
This month is no different! My final pick for Yard of the Month before our next Director takes the seat goes to Caroline and Roy Johnston at 3405 Northwood. Their yard was originally nominated by an admiring neighbor a couple months ago and I'm so happy it was! It's a small space that I had (regrettably) overlooked, but then the more I saw, the more I loved it!
Talking with Roy about all he did to bring it to life was inspiring. The space looks challenging: part along a hot afternoon driveway, part in shade along the front, and area measured in small feet and inches. But as we are out for our walks or bike rides with our families lately, stop and take your time here. It's a sweet spot in the Woodland Heights. Their yard shows us you don't need a lot of space to do beautiful things!
In these times when it's difficult to meet new people, I've decided to leave Roy's write up in his own voice - it's just right and personal, and easier to feel more connected with these kind neighbors. Thank you Roy and Caroline for sharing your yard with our neighborhood!
Stephanie Riceman, Dir of Beautification

We bought our home in 2014 and started on the yard in February 2015. We began by removing the poor existing soil (lots of construction sand), using river rock to separate the beds from the house siding, and building a new stone wall outside to replace the wooden one which had collapsed. I also installed drainage and sprinklers. I'm proud to say that I did all the work myself with help too from Caroline and our kids. My first time building a stone wall or laying out a garden!
We had help from Buchanan's to draw up a landscape plan and advise on plant selection. We wanted southern staples in the landscaping, color throughout the year, and different shades of green. We also did the planting and mulching ourselves. Our layout has changed quite a bit since then as we've moved plants where they have struggled and looked to create more interest with varying heights and size.
Our recent projects have been installing decomposed granite & rock border in our courtyard garden and planting a vegetable and herb garden. I am also working to replace the pet mesh on the fence with lower pet bars. I think that will really complete the texture and visual interest by letting the plants flow more naturally through the fence. A fun current experiment is letting one area fallow and seeing what naturally pops up - I'm calling this our wildflower garden experiment!
As I've learned more about gardening, I am increasingly drawn to low maintenance (and cost), with a focus on hardy (frost and heat tolerant) perennials. We are also switching to more indigenous staples and have introduced some butterfly and bird friendly plants. I find learning about what works in a specific spot to be an enjoyable part of the process. I've also enjoyed learning how to build the other structural pieces of the garden (a shed, the raised beds, the borders, the irrigation, and the vegetable boxes).
Some of my personal highlights are the multiple monarchs drawn to our three milkweed plants (thank you Travis!), the many lizards hiding everywhere, our shrimp-plants and jasmine on the fence (the color and aroma), and the thriving hybrid-tea roses which we added two years ago. I have an ivy vine which was a houseplant gift from my mom and cuttings from it have grown in each home we've lived. We are also looking forward to growing tomatoes, basil, and jalapeno from the St. Mark's garden this year.
I personally love the beauty and peace which the garden brings, how we enjoy it throughout the year, and how the kids find many creatures - even in this little space. It also connects me back to my family (and my wife's family) and the gardens they have nurtured over the years.
Here are some of the plants we have:
Vegetable garden:
Star anise
Gladiola (for cut flowers and color)
Front stone bed:
White Knight
Fire cracker fern
Camellia (shi shi)
Variegated dianella
Wood violets (ground cover)
Ajuga (caitlin's giant - ground cover)
Side beds by front door:
Hybrid tea roses
Mexican sedum
Camellia (japonica kramer supreme)
Azalaea - George Tabor
Abelea - Kaleidoscope
Inside fence:
Giant iris
Star Jasmine
Giant Liriope
English ivy in the hanging basket
Thanks again for the honor and the joy of sharing our project with you!
- Roy