I-10 Elevation/Expansion Works Against Resilient Houston and Climate Action Plan Update / by Alaina Hebert

City of Houston Joint Committee Meeting on

Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure (TTI) & Public Safety and Homeland Security (PSHS)

  1. Committee Agenda - https://www.houstontx.gov/council/committees/tti.html

  2. TXDOT I-10 Expansion from Heights to I-45 Proposal

  3. Public Comment Form

Reference the following project numbers: CSJ 0271-07-326
TxDOT Houston District
Public Information Office
P.O. Box 1386
Houston, Texas 77251

I attended and spoke at the Thursday, August 8, 2022, City of Houston Joint Council Committee on Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure & Homeland Security. I was pleased to hear the focus on Flood and Extreme Heat and Cold resilience prioritized natural restoration as mitigation.

The TXDoT proposed I-10 from Heights to I-45 expansion does the opposite of all the recommendations and efforts by Chief Zachariah. The expansion would replace trees, greenspace, and natural features for hot concrete.

I can hear I-10 from Bayland and Beauchamp St at night and it sounds like a speedway.
The additional concrete, loss of sound dampening natural features, and increased elevation will amplify the sound far into neighborhoods.

This is a quality of life issue for 1,000s of residents and our critical natural resources. Please speak out during the comment period through August 26, 2022.
— Alaina Hebert
