City of Houston Joint Committee Meeting on
Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure (TTI) & Public Safety and Homeland Security (PSHS)
Committee Agenda -
Reference the following project numbers: CSJ 0271-07-326
TxDOT Houston District
Public Information Office
P.O. Box 1386
Houston, Texas 77251
“I attended and spoke at the Thursday, August 8, 2022, City of Houston Joint Council Committee on Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure & Homeland Security. I was pleased to hear the focus on Flood and Extreme Heat and Cold resilience prioritized natural restoration as mitigation.
The TXDoT proposed I-10 from Heights to I-45 expansion does the opposite of all the recommendations and efforts by Chief Zachariah. The expansion would replace trees, greenspace, and natural features for hot concrete.
I can hear I-10 from Bayland and Beauchamp St at night and it sounds like a speedway.
The additional concrete, loss of sound dampening natural features, and increased elevation will amplify the sound far into neighborhoods.
This is a quality of life issue for 1,000s of residents and our critical natural resources. Please speak out during the comment period through August 26, 2022.”