We have a few updates to pass on to questions we've received from neighbors. They are regarding a water leak near the Norhill Esplanade, the repair of the sign and retaining wall at the corner of a greenspace at Houston Avenue and White Oak Drive, and the status of repairs to the bollards and large rocks at the entrance to our neighborhood at the corner of Watson and Usener Streets. Also, you might see new signage around the neighborhood courtesy of Harris County Constable Alan Rosen, Precinct 1 office.
The Water Leak near the Norhill Esplanade - the leak was identified by WHCA board members on February 20, 2025. The board checked the leak that day to see if it was coming from the irrigation system on the Norhill Esplanade. WHCA maintains the esplanade through an adoption agreement with the Houston Parks & Recreation Department. Upon investigation, it was determined the leak was on the City's side of the water meter. That makes it the responsibility of the City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Department. A Service Request was submitted through the COH 3-1-1 system. Additionally, the WHCA board has informed both Council Member Mario Castillo's Office, District H, and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department of the leak and of the filing of the 3-1-1. Both offices have replied that they will keep the repair on their radar and have asked us to keep them informed so they can assist in repairing the leak. We will get back to you on any update we receive.
The Retaining Wall Repair at Houston Avenue and White Oak Drive - The Greater Northside Management District holds the contract to maintain the parkette and the signage at this site. The last information we received regarding the repair status indicated that yes, indeed, the GNMD is in the process of getting the signage repaired. The date for this repair has not been released to us at this time; however, we are inquiring again as to a timeline and will advise everyone when we receive that information. Thank you for your patience.
The Watson Street Esplanade - On February 13, a two-car collision damaged the bollards and broke the boulders at the entrance sign to our neighborhood at the corner of Watson and Usner Streets. Ryan Taylor, WHCA Director of Beautification, and his team of volunteers are reinstalling the bollards and replacing the boulders in front of the sign. We thank the Beautification team for their quick action and dedication to keeping that esplanade in shape on a regular basis and for their rapid response to deal with the damage from the accident. Just an FYI - they can always use more volunteers and are ready to welcome you to their ranks if you're interested; email beautification@woodland-heights.org.
New Signage Comes to Woodland Heights—In response to a request from Beth Sorensen, WHCA Director of Security, the county will install 8 to 10 new signs around the neighborhood. These new signs point out that the area is patrolled by Harris County Precinct 1 Constables. The signage and proposed locations can be found by clicking on the following links: Sample Signage and Proposed Sign Locations.