
Major Infrastructure Projects Impact Woodland Heights by Michael Graves

Our historic neighborhood, nestled in the crook of I-10 and I-45 at the first freeway exit from downtown Houston, is entering another transformation chapter. Over recent decades, Woodland Heights has experienced dramatic changes through rapid redevelopment and a flourishing local business scene. Major infrastructure projects will reshape our transportation boundaries over the next decade.

TxDot Map of Katy Corridor Construction Project.

White Oak Bayou I-10 Elevation Project.
Construction has begun on the $400 million I-10 White Oak Bayou elevation project along our southern boundary. Phase one started this month by reducing westbound I-10 from five lanes to three between I-45 and Studemont. The Taylor Street exit and entrance ramps are now closed, with detours via Sawyer Street and Washington Avenue.

A significant highlight of this project is the reconstruction of the Houston Avenue bridge, a longtime pain point for our community. Long-term residents will recall the frequent bridge strikes by oversized vehicles, each incident requiring emergency repairs and causing major traffic disruptions. The new design will position Houston Avenue beneath the I-10 main lanes, the goal is to eliminate these bridge strikes and their associated delays.

For trail users, portions of the MKT Trail and White Oak Bayou Greenway under I-10 are temporarily closed. TxDOT has established marked detour routes and added new infrastructure, including a switchback trail at Studemont and a wider sidewalk along the eastbound feeder road south of I-10. While periodic trail closures may occur during construction, both trails will remain accessible throughout the project.

Key Impacts and Timeline

  • I-10 White Oak Bayou Project: Now through late 2028

  • Lane reductions and intermittent closures: Through late 2027

  • Houston Avenue bridge reconstruction: Mid-2025 through late 2027

  • New trail features: Studemont switchback trail and wider sidewalks along I-10

  • I-45 NHHIP: Construction reaching our western boundary in 2028, continuing through 2033

As a neighborhood that has successfully navigated significant changes over the past decades, we will adapt to these infrastructure improvements while maintaining our strong community bonds. The Woodland Heights Civic Association will continue to advocate for our neighborhood's interests throughout these projects.

Courtesy TxDOT website https://its.txdot.gov/its/District/HOU/lane-closures

Did you know you can check traffic conditions or lane closures among other options in your area you can visit TXDot's Advanced Traffic Management System (ITS - intelligent transportation system) page on their website. Here you can zoom in on the map to see specific areas close to your neighborhood or in other areas across the state where TxDot cameras or located.

Brian Edmondson

WHCA Challenges TXDOT's Plans to Expand and elevate I-10 by Alaina Hebert

Read & Listen to WHCA Director of Infrastructure, Brad Snead’s interviews on the concerns about environmental and sound impacts to our neighborhoods and bayous.

How can You get involved?

  1. Review the TXDOT I-10 Expansion from Heights to I-45 Proposal

  2. Submit Public Comment Form - Reference the following project numbers: CSJ 0271-07-326

TxDOT Houston District
Public Information Office
P.O. Box 1386
Houston, Texas 77251

Public Comments are due by Friday, August 26th, 2022

New TxDOT Report on I-45: Public Comment Open Through 1/10/20 by Lori Bigler

The following is excerpted from the District H Weekly News on 12/19/2019.

“Learn about the biggest takeaways for the Preferred Alternative I-45 design based on TxDOT's newly updated draft of the Community Impacts Assessment Technical Report by visiting this link. Be sure to respond to TxDOT during the public comment period by 1/10/19. Read Council Member Cisneros' letter to TxDOT requesting an extension of the deadline for public comment on the new draft here.”

Upcoming I-45 Workshops by Lori Bigler

The City and its technical team are gathering input to develop alternative designs and make recommendations to TXDOT and has developed an interactive map that can be accessed here. Please join Council Member Cisneros for the upcoming COH Planning Department Workshops on the IH-45 project. More info here. Additional workshops are being scheduled for late Sept./early Oct. (TBD).

Tuesday, 8/13/19, 6 pm - 7:30 pm, Optional intro at 5:40 pm
Harris County Dept. of Education, 6300 Irvington Blvd.
Accessible by METRO 79
Focus on Segment 2 & 3-North (I-610 to I-10 & I-10 to US-59)

Thursday, 8/15/19, 6 - 7:30 pm, Optional intro at 5:40 pm
Aldine Ninth Grade School, 10650 North Freeway
Accessible by METRO 56, 59, 99
Focus on Segment 1-North (Beltway 8 to N. Shepherd)

Saturday, 8/17/19, 10 am - 11:30 am, Optional intro at 9:40 am
Burrus Elementary School, 701 E. 33rd St.
Accessible by METRO 44 & 56
Focus on Segment 1-South (N. Shepherd to I-610)

The I-45 Project – Planning Stage is coming to an end! by Lori Bigler

From the Editor - WH neighbor Jim West has made a huge effort to stay abreast of TxDOTs plans for I-45 expansion. What follows is derived from his most recent update posted to NextDoor, reproduced here with permission.

The I-45 Project – Planning Stage is coming to an end! This next meeting is a HEARING - much different from the public meetings that TxDOT has been holding. 

This HEARING is the last meeting where the public will be heard! After a short comment period following the hearing, nothing else will go on record about the project. 

After the Hearing, the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) will be completed – estimated to be complete next year – in 2018. Then a R.O.D. (Record of Decision) – also in 2018. And TxDOT will immediately start acquiring Right-of-way where needed and finish designs. 1st phase of construction will begin on Segment 3 (downtown) – estimated to start in 2020. 

There are only 2 HEARINGS scheduled at this time. You may remember that normally there were 3 meetings including one held at Jeff Davis High School (now Northside High School). Northside is currently being renovated so no meeting can be held there. We are asking TxDOT for a meeting that is convenient to Segment 2… but so far, no luck. 

As a quick summary, there are 3 Segments involved in the project:

  • Segment 1 (610 to Beltway 8) 
  • Segment 2 (610 to I-10)
  • Segment 3 (the Downtown Loop) 

We are currently in the final year of an approximately 12-year planning phase. TxDOT has held 4 public meetings – in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015. Part of this project, is the re-routing of I-45 at Pierce Elevated and moving it to be coincident with I-10 on the north side of downtown and coincident with US-59 on the east side of Downtown. Directly east of George Brown Convention both US-59 and I-45 will be below-grade.

This is a major project that is estimated to cost between $6 Billion and $7 Billion, WITHOUT right-of-way costs included. 

I am part of the I-45 Coalition, which is an all-volunteer group that was formed to address issues related to the planned construction of I-45 and to work with TxDOT to ensure that the pending construction comply with these 3 tenets:

  1. No expansion beyond the existing right-of-way
  2. Alternative means of transportation must be explored
  3. No negative impact on the neighborhoods quality of life.

We have not been very successful in these 3 tenets...but we have helped improve the project. 

Regarding ROW in Segment 1 – 212 acres of land will be taken; Segment 2 – 19 acres of land and in Segment 3 – 79 acres of land. 

In Segment 2 – the North St. Bridge will be removed. The main roadway of I-45 will be raised to almost grade level at North St. so it is impossible with the current engineering to have any bridge there. 

If you have commented or attended any of the prior meetings before, you should have received, or will soon receive notification via USPS of the 2 meetings locations from TxDOT. 

Hearings: Locations & Dates

Tuesday, May 9th
St. Pius X High School
811 W. Donovan Street
Houston, TX 77091

Thursday, May 11th
Houston Community College – Central Campus
1300 Holman Street - San Jacinto Building
Houston, TX 77004 

Displays will be available for viewing at 5:30 pm, formal hearing starts at 6:30 pm. 

Please review TxDOT’s plan, maps & designs on their website, www.ih45northandmore.com. As of today, the documents that will be shown at the hearing are NOT on the website…but they should be there soon. 

One major concern I have was in the announcement of the public hearing that was on the web-site. It states…”Some of the design changes are not included in the current evaluation of alternatives …. but will be presented at the Public Hearing and included and evaluated in the Final Environmental Impact Statement”. This means that TxDOT could present changes at the Public Hearing that folks will see for the very 1st time. Then we must evaluate all consequences of the change(s) and speak up at the very same meeting…which is the final meeting on the project! 

This seems to be exactly opposite method of trying to build consensus with the taxpayers and stakeholders. There will be a comment period to June 3rd or later (I haven’t seen the official deadline) … but the whole purpose of having meetings for more than 10 years with the community is to develop a project that the public agrees with and supports … last minute changes do not support that concept. 

It seems that now that we are down to the final meeting/HEARING – it is simple wrong to propose design changes that NO ONE HAS SEEN. Hopefully, any changes that TxDOT presents are ones that the community have requested…but it seems like proposed design changes should at least be on the TxDOT web site months before the HEARING! ...not the day of the HEARING! 

It is critical that you attend either Hearing (or both!) This truly is the last opportunity to have your voice heard! Please stay involved or get involved!

Major Closures Related to Houston Ave. Bridge Reconstruction by Guest User

Council Member Cisneros' office sent the following information to the WHCA regarding the upcoming closures that will facilitate the start of the partial reconstruction of the Houston Ave. Bridge near Allen Parkway. This prep work is required to facilitate the construction of the new Allen Parkway Entrance Ramp to IH 45 Southbound. 
These closures will be input into the TxDOT PIO system on Monday, 06.27.16.

  1. IH 45 Southbound Main lanes between the North Main Entrance Ramp and IH 10:  Alternate, (Inside), Lanes closed continuously between 9:00 PM on Friday, 07.08.16 and 5:00 AM on Monday, 07.11.16.  At least two main lanes will remain open.
  2. IH 45 Southbound Mainlanes at IH 10:  Total Closure continuously between 9:00 PM on Friday, 07.08.16 and 5:00 AM on Monday, 07.11.16.  Detour: IH 10 Eastbound to US 59 Southbound; Follow US 59 Southbound to IH 45.
  3. IH 10 Westbound Exit to IH 45 Southbound:    Total Closure continuously between 8:30 PM on Friday, 07.08.16 and 5:00 AM on Monday, 07.11.16.  Detour: IH 10 Westbound to the Taylor Exit; Left, (South) on Taylor; Left, (East) onto the IH 10 Eastbound Entrance Ramp.  Follow the IH 10 Eastbound Mainlanes to the exit to IH 45 Southbound.
  4. IH 10 Eastbound Exit to IH 45 Southbound:    Total Closure continuously between 8:30 PM on Friday, 07.08.16 and 5:00 AM on Monday, 07.11.16.  Detour: IH 10 Eastbound to US 59 Southbound; Follow US 59 Southbound to IH 45.
  5. IH 45 Southbound Mainlanes between IH 10 (Dart St.) and Walker:  1 Right, (Outside), Lane closed continuously between 5:00 AM on Monday, 07.11.16 and 5:00 AM on Wednesday, 09.07.16.
  6. IH 45 Southbound Exit to Dallas St./Pierce St.: Total Closure Continuously between 9:00 PM on Friday, 07.08.16 and 5:00 AM on Wednesday, 09.07.16.  Detour Southbound on IH 45 to the IH 45 Southbound Exit to McKinney; Right, (West) on Smith, Left on Pierce St.
  7. Allen Parkway Eastbound Entrance Ramp to IH 45 Southbound:  Total Closure Continuously between 5:00 AM on Tuesday, 07.05.16 and 5:00 AM on Monday, 11.14.16.  Detour: Eastbound on Allen Parkway/Dallas; Right, (West) on Smith, Left, (East) on Jefferson; Follow Jefferson to the IH 45 Southbound Entrance Ramp.
  8. Houston Ave. Southbound between Washington Ave. and Rusk:  1 Alternate Lane closed continuously between 7:30 PM on Friday, 07.08.16 and 5:00 AM on Wednesday, 09.07.16.
  9. Houston Ave. Southbound at Lubbock and at Rusk:  Total Closure Continuously between 7:30 PM on Friday, 07.08.16 and 5:00 AM on Wednesday, 09.07.16.   Detour:  Right, (Eastbound) on Rusk; Right, (South) on Smith; Left, (East) on Jefferson; Follow Jefferson to the IH 45 Southbound Entrance Ramp.

Phil Teague, WHCA VP of Infrastructure, will coordinate with TXDoT to ensure that the IH 10 Watson west or eastbound exit is shut off when it needs to be to inhibit redirect traffic from the freeway closures.

URGENT: I-45 Expansion by Guest User

Message from WHCA President

One of the most important issues facing our neighborhood right now is the possible expansion of I-45. TxDOT is accepting comments until May 31 regarding its new, proposed plan. The WHCA is supporting the positions outlined by neighborhood resident Jim Weston and his I-45 Coalition and will be providing comments to I-45 along those lines. I encourage all of our residents to do the same. Please visit the I-45 Coalition's website for more information, and please get your comments in by May 31.  Thank you.