
Update on Short Term Rental Regulations by Michael Graves

The following message was received from the office of CM Abbie Kamin. It pertains to new regulations that may impact short term rental, such as Air B&B, in the City of Houston. If you have concerns about such potential rules, here’s your chance to get informed about what’s coming.

Dear Neighborhood Leaders,

We are writing as our office has been informed that on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, Houston City Council will consider adopting an ordinance that would establish regulations for short-term rental (STR) properties operating within the city limits.

We encourage you to review the revised proposed ordinance. You can find the proposal at the following link: 

It is our understanding that the ordinance is not slated to go back to a Council Committee.

All my best,
Anna Smith
External Affairs Director
Office of Council Member Abbie Kamin, District C
City of Houston

November WHCA Newsletter: Lights in the Heights and so much more! by Michael Graves

The November 2024 edition of the WHCA newsletter is a printed issue. A troop of volunteers is hand delivering one to every home in the neighborhood this week. We do this to ensure that everyone knows all the details about Lights in the Heights 2024.

But that’s not all it contains! There are numerous other stories and news from the neigborhood:

  • Help Wanted: WHCA Board seeks a Vice President

  • Woodland Heights Recognizes Outstanding Volunteers

  • Constable Patrol Recovers Stolen Goods

  • Recap of November Member’s Meeting & Social at Maven Sawyer Heights

  • Safety Improvements on Houston Avenue

  • Yard-of-the-Month: 509 Woodland

  • Houston Ave Greenspace Adopted!

WHCA Committee Positions by Lori Bigler

The WHCA is looking for volunteers for the following committee positions. If you are interested, please reach out to

Newsletter Leader
Primary responsibilities include: 

  • Coordinate submissions of newsletter content from Directors and members of the community

  • Prepare and send monthly Newsletter

  • Manage newsletter sponsors

  • Ad-hoc graphic design support (minimal)

Approximate time commitment = 4-6 hours per month

Primary responsibilities include:

  • Administration of WHCA website updates and changes

  • Ensure timely addition of news and calendar items

  • Assist with Web Store (membership and merchandise)

  • Assist with web-related initiatives (minimal)

Approximate time commitment = 4-6 hours per month

Meeting on a Street Corner: the Story of Mrs Scott and Mr Pattillo by Lori Bigler

Keith Pattillo was long time resident of 308 Woodland, a home that he shared with his dog “Lucky.” I first encountered Keith and his dog while walking our two Labradors, as we often traversed Beauchamp to Woodland westbound. He was always friendly, with a smile and something nice to say.

We typically saw Keith driving around in his old pickup truck with Lucky in the passenger seat. Lucky passed away early in 2018 and Keith joined him in July of that year. His passing was noted by neighbor David Jordan and many others.

Earlier this month The Houston Chronicle published an essay by Mildred Scott, a crossing guard at Travis Elementary School. It details the evolution of her friendship with Mr. Pattillo. It’s a lovely story of hope and kindness. While I cannot republish it here, I offer it as recommended reading.

Thanks to Debbie Hall for bringing it to my attention.

- Michael Graves, Dir of Communications

May General Meeting Cancelled by Lori Bigler

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May General Meeting Cancelled

Under normal circumstances we'd be approaching the May General Meeting, which was planned for May 12th at Travis Elementary School. However, these are anything but normal circumstances.

As was foreshadowed in the last WHCA newsletter, the board last week officially moved to cancel the May General Meeting. In reality, it was not our decision. The current restrictions on public gatherings, the result of COVID-19, make a meeting impossible. 

Election in July

The primary purpose of the May General Meeting would have been to hold an election to replace those on the WHCA board whose terms are coming to an end. The board has decided to move that election to the July General Meeting. Those board members whose terms would have ended shortly have agreed to stay aboard and facilitate an orderly transition after the election is finally held.

While we are are hopeful that an in-person gathering might be possible by then, we're working on plans for a remote gathering, so the election may go ahead in any case. The last two board meetings were conducted using Zoom video conferencing.

Two New Directors

The Nominating Committee, lead by Alaina Hebert has been seeking board candidates for several months. That effort is ongoing. However, they have been successful in finding new folks for two positions. This allowed some change in the board at the most recent meeting.

The board accepted the resignation of Cody McGregor, Directory of Security, appointing long-time WH resident Margaux Poizat to the post effective immediately.

Similarly, Stephanie Riceman stepped down as Director of Beautification. That position was filled by the appointment of Allison Hartzell, both a long-time WH resident and past WHCA president.

So the evolution of the board continues. Collectively, we'd like to thank Stephanie and Cody for their efforts over the past two years. The neighborhood as a whole is better for the volunteer efforts of such caring people.

The Hunt Continues

The Nominating Committee is still seeking candidates for three positions: President, Director of Deed Restrictions and Director of Communications. This process has been made more challenging by the various restrictions imposed by the county and city.

If you have any interest, or know someone who does, or heard a rumor about someone might be interested, or would like to create such a rumor, contact the nominating committee at

Help Wanted: Delivering WHCA Newsletters by Lori Bigler

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The latest WHCA newsletter with all the info about the coming Home Tour is ready for distribution. The printed goods have been sorted into folders block-by-block and are now ready for pickup.

If you are able to help us deliver these goodies please use the following link to access the Sign-Up Genius project (it's free!) Once logged in you can select which blocks you'd like to commit to delivering.

After you sign-up you'll receive an email with guidance on where to collect the goods.

Only a handful of people have signed up so far. We have 2100 newsletters to deliver to 197 blocks. It's a big job and we need your help!

Update: Sunday, March 8th @ 4pm - Currently just a handful of people have signed-up to deliver to 90 of 197 blocks in Woodland heights. That’s just 46% of the neighborhood!

WHCA February Newsletter Advance Edition by Lori Bigler

Pssst! Hey, buddy. C’mere a minute. I know you. I’ve seen you around these parts before. You’re a neighbor, right?

You look like the kind person who likes to be in-the-know. Y’know. A little ahead of the crowd. Clued in, right!

I can help you out in that regard. You see, I happen to know that the next WHCA newsletter is off being printed right now. But I know a guy, who knows a guy. Y’know. I got a special advanced copy. All PDF-like for people who knows computers and stuff. Just click the picture of the cover over there.

You can thank me later.

Do You Have The Right Stuff To Help Guide Woodland Heights In The Coming Year? by Lori Bigler

Have you ever watched some situation occurring in the neighborhood and thought to yourself, “someone should do something about that?” Maybe you could be that someone who makes a difference right here where you live!

The WHCA board has recently cast a nominating committee in preparation for the board elections that will occur at the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, May 12th.

In the past, the entire board was elected anew each year. In the interest of continuity, the 2019 revision to the WHCA bylaws stipulates each position is now a two-year term. About half the positions are offset a year, so only half of the board is elected each year.

In 2020, the nominating committee is tasked with finding candidates interested in running for the following positions:

  • President

  • Director of Security

  • Director of Beautification

  • Director of Communications

  • Director of Deed Restrictions

If you have any interest in stepping up to help guide the WHCA, please reach out to the nominating committee, which is chaired by current WHCA Secretary Alaina Hebert. Committee members can provide insight into the work of the organization and descriptions of the responsibilities of the various positions.

There’s no more direct way to impact the neighborhood than serving on the team that represents Woodlands Heights to other organizations.

- Michael Graves, Director of Communications, WHCA

Proper Handling of the Flag of The United States of America by Lori Bigler


Hello Neighbors,

My wife and I are both U.S. Army veterans and have noticed a wide range of displays of the United States of American flag in the neighborhood. Some displays are in accordance with proper flag etiquette and others are not. Everyone is free to do as they please, but for those interested in the proper etiquette, we thought we'd share a few of the key points:

  • On same staff: U.S. flag displayed at peak, above any other flag.

  • Grouped flags: U.S. flag goes to its own right; flags of other nations are flown at same height.

  • Illumination: it is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.

  • Half staff: on special days, the flag may be flown at half-staff. On Memorial Day it is flown at half-staff until noon and then raised.

  • Never use the flag for decoration. Use bunting with the blue on top, then white, then red.

  • Do not let the flag touch the ground.

  • Do not fly flag upside down unless there is an emergency.

  • Do not carry the flag flat, or carry things in it.

  • Do not use the flag as clothing.

  • Do not store the flag where it can get dirty.

  • Do not use it as a cover.

  • Do not fasten it or tie it back. Always allow it to fall free.

  • Do not draw on, or otherwise mark the flag

  • Flag disposal: Please contact your local VFW Post or the WHCA for additional information [note: WHCA can feel free to forward to us and we're happy to assist with proper flag disposal]


- Clayton Mealer, Woodland Heights Resident

WHCA November General Meeting by Lori Bigler

Tuesday, November 12th at 7pm
in the library at Travis Elementary School
3311 Beauchamp Street

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The highlight of the agenda for this week's meeting is as follows:

The leadership of the Lights in the Heights committee will give an update on their status. This includes a look back at the Holiday Masquerade Bash, auction results, etc. Also, a look forward at events planned for December.

The LITH merchandise team will be there taking orders for great LITH goodies.


Mr. Tom King of will introduce their effort to start the first cohousing community in Houston. What is cohousing you ask? Please check their website: Also check out the national site:


As usual, there will also be updates from the WHCA board of directors and (possibly) other committees.


Constable Patrol: If you need a sticker for your Constable Patrol sign, you can pick it up at the meeting.

WHCA Membership: You can also sign-up for the constable patrol or renew your WHCA membership in-person.


Reminder: WHCA Secretary Alaina Hebert is leading a new effort to encourage the proper recycling of batteries and consumer electronics items with batteries inside. Following the guidelines offered at, items will be collected at WHCA General Meetings.

Bring your old cell phones and batteries, so they can be properly recycled.

We hope to see you there!

Heights Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry: Doing Good in Woodland Heights by Lori Bigler


The Heights Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry, located at 3523 Beauchamp, serves our neighbors in need and is a great place to give back to the community right around the corner!

  • We just celebrated our 10th anniversary. Since opening, we've served more than 44,000 families and 166,000 individuals.

  • We are 100% supported by donations & volunteers.

  • We are supported by 6 member churches, as well as many business and individuals, which include:

    • Member churches:  Zion Lutheran, St. Mark's Methodist, Christ the King Catholic, St. Andrew's Episcopal, The Vineyard, and the Church at 1548 Heights

    • Stores / Organizations:  Second Servings of Houston, FruitShare Houston, The Kolache Shoppe on Heights Blvd, Panera Bread, Kroger

    • Community support:  Corporate groups, school & scouting groups, neighbors

  • In 2018 our volunteers served more than 5700 hours. 

To learn more about how you can help, visit or call/text 832-478-5444 


We are a client-choice food pantry, allowing clients to select non-perishable items (canned goods, rice & beans), as well as fresh bread, eggs, produce, frozen meat, and some toiletries. We are open twice a week, and are centrally located in the Heights: 3523 Beauchamp, 77009. We ask clients to bring a photo ID, and a bill/piece of mail w/their local Houston address. We serve clients from all ZIP codes in the Houston area. Our primary client hours are: Thursdays 5 - 7 PM and Saturdays 10 AM - Noon

Volunteer Opportunities & Service Day Ideas:

  • Hold a food drive, and bring the collection to stock our shelves. Stocking our shelves can be done on most weekdays or Saturday afternoons. (Needed items that can be collected are listed below.)

  • Volunteer during our open hours, and assist clients who are selecting their food. Volunteer times: 4:30-7 PM Thursdays, 9:30 AM-Noon Saturdays. You can sign up directly via SignupGenius at Youth groups are great - older middle school and high school students can help clients. Younger volunteers may come with adults.

  • We receive deliveries from the Houston Food Bank on Thursday mornings where lots of hands help immensely. Deliveries are approximately every 3 weeks. We receive pallets of food that need to be unboxed and stocked in the pantry and our outside shed.

  • We need volunteers to pick up donations from area restaurants throughout the week and throughout the month.

  • Deliver frozen boxed meals to homebound seniors.

  • Plan a work day inside the pantry: paint our door jams, fix doors & caulk holes in walls (yes, we have a few!)

  • Build shelving inside our shed. We provide materials.

  • Assist during a 5th Saturday Food Fair - we receive a Houston Food Bank truck full of goods and distribute the contents to the community. These are held from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM on 5th Saturdays throughout the year. Our next 5th Saturday event will be in February, 2020.

We especially appreciate the following donations:

  • Shelf Milk (boxed liquid)

  • Meals in a Can, such as Ravioli & Spaghettios

  • Canned fruit and canned vegetables

  • Canned tomatoes & tomato/spaghetti sauce

  • Spaghetti

  • Noodles

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly

  • Vegetable oil

  • Diapers & wipes

  • Adult underwear/Depends

  • Toothbrushes & toothpaste

About the Joint & General Special Elections on November 5th by Lori Bigler

This will be the first time that Harris County residents can vote at any Harris County Election Day polling location. Registered voters can find a sample ballot to research State of Texas propositions for constitutional amendments and City of Houston officials.

The following links should prove useful:

About those campaign signs.... by Lori Bigler

Election seasons is upon us, as you can tell from the campaign signs appearing in yards around the neighborhood. David Scott recently started a thread on NextDoor with some good information about the legalities of these signs.

If you place a sign in your yard, be sure that it's actually in your yard. It should be located on the near* side of the sidewalk, closer to the home. The far* side of the sidewalk, closer to the street, is the public right-of-way, where placement of such signs is actually illegal.

It's also illegal to place campaign signs on any public property or telephone poles. If you see such signs, you can report them to 311. To file such a report requires that you have a street address as a point of reference.

*Should you have any questions about near vs far, I refer you to this classic 1975 routine from Sesame Street. Grover handles the subject monsterfully.

The new WHCA newsletter is on its way! by Lori Bigler

The current edition of the WHCA newsletter is one of our special printed issues! The finished goods were returned from the printer on Tuesday. A few lucky households might have received theirs before we were beset by rain on Wednesday.

Our brave team of volunteer block captains are currently working to distribute them door-to-door. I would hope that everyone will get their copy in the coming few days.

If you’re in a hurry, you can download a PDF copy right here.

Pseudo Creature Feature: Dinosaur Spotting in WH by Lori Bigler

T-Rex and friends on a field of volcanic ash.

There are folks here in Woodland Heights who, for whatever reason, just don’t live their lives online. the internet is simply not an important thing in their lives. Nonetheless, they are important to us as neighbors. That’s why we continue to print newsletters a few times a year, when it’s important to get critical information widely distributed. It’s also why we use things like door hangers, just recently distributed, to promote the Constable Patrol Program. A hat tip to the Home Tour committee for pointing out that strategy.

The door hangers present a certain problem as well. When we take delivery they have been die cut to hang on the door, but there’s a paper circle that has to be popped out of every one. Since we print 2000 copies that’s 2000 little paper circles that might very possibly litter up the neighborhood.

However, block captain coordinator Andrea Gorney doesn’t let that happen. She broke down the box, counting out how many are needed for each block. In the process she popped out all those dastardly circles! They would not have a chance to litter the ‘hood.

Further, her kids took to playing with them. According to Andrea, “At the time they claimed it was make believe volcanic ash. I’ve since recycled said “ash”. It’s a valid concern - much better my living room than our neighborhood streets.”

WHCA March General Meeting Rescheduled by Lori Bigler

The next WHCA General Meeting would normally be the second Tuesday of March. However, that happens to fall during HISD Spring Break, which means that many neighbors are unable to attend. Further, none of the locations where we would hold the meeting are available. As a result, the board last week voted to move the March General Meeting to:

Tuesday, March 19th at 7pm
at Travis Elementary School
3311 Beauchamp St
in the library.

As detailed in the last newsletter, we will not be electing a new board at the March General Meeting. The provisional agenda is as follows:

Deputy VestHarris County Precinct 1 Constable's office, will speak about the Constable Patrol Program. He'll highlight trends in activity observed around the neighborhood.

Staff from COH Public Works and the Planning and Development Department will deliver an overview of plans to reconfigure 11th Street, Pecore and Studewood, including the possibility of adding bike lanes.

The usual suspects will be on-hand to present the state of WHCA activities.

We hope to see you there!

Volunteer Opportunities - Mas Minion, Por Favor! by Lori Bigler


Over the course of the past couple of quarters that WHCA board has concluded that the board members alone simply can't do everything that needs to be done. If we are ambitious in our goals, we need the help of volunteers to accelerate our progress. We joke that what we need are some Minion!

One of the things I have learned is that the VP-Comms needs to more directly support the activities of the committees. While I've reached out, seeking submissions, I've not always been able to craft them myself. Nor do the committees necessarily have resources required to adequately promote or document their various activities.

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So it is that I am seeking volunteers to join Team Comms for the coming year;

Writer - We would benefit tremendously from someone to help with some writing. We need to be more proactive about generating stories for the web site and newsletter. Also, to assist the committees in creating compelling copy for their various projects.


Photographer - Words without pictures can be lifeless. We could surely use someone who would take photographs at WHCA events like the Home Tour or Lights-in-the-Heights. Between events there are opportunities to photograph the Yard-Of-The-Month or Creature Feature. I'm sure that we can dream up dozens of fun and interesting things to photograph in WH.

If you are interested in either of these volunteer opportunities, please get in touch! You can email

Saluting Volunteers: Andrea Gorney, Block Captain Coordinator by Lori Bigler

This item is excerpted from the February issue of the WHCA eNewsletter.

It’s only fitting that we acknowledge the behind-the-scenes efforts of those help make Woodland Heights such a great community in which to live. Those of us who serve on the WHCA board are perhaps most visible, but there are dozens of other volunteers who bring critical skills, time and attention to enhancing the neighborhood.

I'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the largely unseen efforts of Andrea Gorney. Andrea is the WH neighbor who has overseen our block captain program for the past two years. Andrea coordinates the ever-changing team of volunteers who ensure that our printed newsletters and door hangers actually make it to your door in a timely fashion. She's been integral to how the WHCA reaches out to neighbors who are not necessarily active online. And I am tremendously grateful for her assistance.

Michael Graves
VP Communications, WHCA

P.S. - WHCA is an all-volunteer organization. If you would like to help us in our mission to “bring about civic betterment and social improvements in the Heights area of Houston…,” please get in touch.

Saluting Volunteers: Mark Sternfels by Lori Bigler

In January of this year I completed my second year on the WHCA Board of Directors. At the end of 2016, I was recruited into the post of VP of Communications, filling the void left by the departure of the very capable Mark Sternfels

Mark not only preceded me in this post, he has continued to provide assistance as needed. Last fall he stepped in to help the Lights in the Heights committee make various changes to the WHCA web site at a time when I was busy with preparing printed goods. He's consistently willing, helpful, skilled and patient.

It’s only appropriate that we recognize the efforts of people like Mark, who help make WH a vibrant and exciting community.

Michael Graves
VP Communications, WHCA

P.S. - WHCA is an all-volunteer organization. If you would like to help us in our mission to “bring about civic betterment and social improvements in the Heights area of Houston…,” please get in touch.