Meeting Recap

Lori Bigler

Meeting Notes: WHCA September General Meeting & Candidates Forum by Lori Bigler

The WHCA September General Meeting was held Tuesday, September 10th at 7 pm in the auditorium of Hogg Middle School. This article is a recap of the events of that evening.

Lights In The Heights Merchandise

Members filtered into the auditorium past a table with an array of Lights in the Heights merchandise. Beth Allen-Brock and Melissa McKee explained that these items are available for order now. Some items are made to order, so it’s important that you place your order via the WHCA website asap. In those cases, items will only be available people who order in advance.

The ladies further indicated that people who order LITH merchandise will be able to pickup their goods at the Friday Night Lights event on Friday, December 13th.

(L-to-R) WHCA President, Harry McMahon, former Treasurer Melissa McKee and former Secretary Beth Allen-Brock.

Call To Order

WHCA President Harry McMahon opened the meeting, calling for a show of hands from the members present to determine that there was a quorum. With around 40 people in the auditorium, it was determined that we did have quorum, although this was not critical since there were no agenda items requiring a vote by the membership.

Lights In The Heights Date & Route

Next, Harry introduced Ashley Allison, Co-chair of the 2019 Lights in the Heights committee. Ashley announced that Lights in the Heights would be Saturday, December 14th. The proposed route is Highland and Omar Streets, from Studewood to Florence.

The proposed route is subject to approval of our permit application. LITH has been on these streets in the past, but not for a number of years. As such, we have every reason to expect that the permit will be issued. When the details are finalized a reference map will be published.

Everything you need to know about Lights in the Heights will be in the November WHCA newsletter, which will be printed and hand-delivered throughout Woodland Heights.

Volunteer Your Porch!

The LITH committee is looking for folks along the route (Highland & Omar) who would like to host an entertainer on their front porch. Interested residents can contact Kent Brock at

LITH Masquerade Bash

There will be a LITH Holiday Masquerade Bash on Friday, October 25th at Studewood Place, 1111 Studewood. This is fun, casual event with all funds going to support Lights in the Heights. Tickets are now available in the online store at the WHCA website.

District H Candidates Forum

With the WHCA housekeeping out-of-the-way, Harry turned the meeting over to Charles Kuffner, the moderator of the District H Candidates Forum.

We were pleased to have all four of the candidates running to represent District H on Houston City Council participating in the event. We recorded the proceeding for the benefit of those who could not attend.

Many thanks to WH resident Estella Espinosa for her work preparing this video. It was our first time using this venue, which was surprising for the amount of reverberation it presents. The presentation has been substantially tidied up, but not edited for content. The recording contains the exchange in its entirety.

COH Presentation on Heights Area Street Safety Improvements by Lori Bigler

The WHCA General Meeting on March 19th included a presentation about plans to change the configuration of 11th Street, Studewood and Pecore. This presentation helped to inspire an impressive turnout (62!) for the meeting, which was held in the library at Travis Elementary School. Since there are no doubt many others who would be interested in the details of this project, we recorded the meeting, to make it available here. The slides used in the presentation are also available in PDF format.

The decision to record this meeting was very last minute. The event was shot with a single camera, mostly focussed on the presenter. The video offered here was edited only to add the slides and whatever B-roll shots I could capture using my phone, once the Q&A was underway. It was not edited for content in any way.

Replay: The Mayor's Town Hall Meeting by Lori Bigler

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner held a Town Hall meeting on Monday, September 10th at The Moody Park community Center. This meeting targeting District H was the second in a series of town hall meetings to address the two propositions on the ballot for the November 6th election.

Speakers included CM Karla Cisneros, Mayor Turner, Director of Finance Tantri Emo, Fire Chief Samuel Peña, Police Chief Art Acevedo and Carol Haddock, Director of Public Works.

The presentations began with Proposition B, which is a ballot initiative by the firefighters union who are seeking to force wage parity with Houston Police officers.

Discussion of Proposition A, with respect to management of the Rebuild Houston funding, followed later in the meeting.

HTV live-streamed the meeting. This means that you can watch recorded playback of the event right here.

Meet The new WHCA Board of Directors for 2018-19 by Lori Bigler

The Woodland-Heights Civic Association Board of Directors for 2018-19

The Woodland-Heights Civic Association Board of Directors for 2018-19

This evening the members present at the March General Meeting elected the following as the new WHCA board for the coming year. Listed in order left-to-right.

  • Beautification: Stephanie Riceman
  • Security: Cody McGregor
  • Secretary: Debbie Hall
  • Infrastructure: Matt Johnson 
  • Communications: Michael Graves
  • Membership: Jay Francis
  • President-Elect: Harry McMahon
  • Deed Restrictions: Melissa Sternfels
  • President: Matt Reynolds
  • Treasurer: Sharon Greiff

This new board will take the reigns on April 1st, 2018.

Meet The WHCA Board for 2017-8 by Lori Bigler

The picture above was taken on March 21st following the WHCA General Meeting that elected the board for the coming year. The new board is (Left-to-Right):

Tyson Greer, President
Melissa Sternfels, VP Membership
Brad Snead, VP Security
Michael Graves, VP Communication
Beth Allen-Brock, Secretary
Matthew Reynolds, President-Elect
Carla Reed, VP Beautification
Craig L Jackson, VP Deed Restrictions
Melissa McKee, Treasurer
Matt Johnson, VP Infrastructure (not shown)

The board meets to conduct the business of the WHCA once a month. In addition, general meetings are held every second month.