Woodland Heights Civic Association

Creature Feature - Hummers Are Coming! by Woodland Heights Civic Association

Spring signals the beginning of bird migration for many migrating species. One of the smallest birds is the Bee Hummingbird; it is only found in Cuba, so we will not see this little guy in Houston. But several other little green jewels will fly back from their winter home in the south to Houston and beyond. For people who like to plant their gardens and set up extra feeding sites for the little hummers, the Spring Migration for hummingbirds usually can be as early as January or February in some areas. However, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department recommends having your feeders up by the Ides of March or March 15th.

Hummingbird watching is a great way to relax and sit out on your front or back porch with a favorite beverage to watch the little guys and gals jockey for ownership of your hummingbird feeders. According to the Cornell Lab's All About Birds, there is no need to use red dye in your feeders. Instead, try the Audubon Society's recipe for making your own nectar to help supplement the little bird's food supply. It's a pretty easy recipe; your reward is seeing the hummies sitting around your feeders and enjoying a great long drink from them.

Some hummingbird FAQs for you to ponder over

  • The hummingbird family is very large, with 366 species and 112 genera.

  • Fewer than two dozen species venture into the United States and Canada, and only a few remain year-round.

  • Hummingbirds are members of the family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest birds, with most species in the 3"-5" range.

  • Many hummingbirds spend the winter in Central America or Mexico and migrate north to their breeding grounds in the southern United States as early as February. Later in the spring, they migrate to areas further north, even into Canada.

  • The first migratory arrivals in spring are usually males.

Want to learn more about hummingbirds? Here are some sites you might like to visit:  available at the following resources

Snow Day! Snow Day! by Woodland Heights Civic Association

A once-in-a-lifetime event – measurable snowfall in Houston, Texas. That is what we’ve just experienced, and hopefully, it was a good experience for everyone. Some dates to consider as you put January 21, 2025 down in your family history books for telling tales about when you experienced snow in Houston. For a really interesting article Houston’s Great Snow of 1895 visit  Space City Weather.  

Historic Houston Snow Dates (Houston Public Media)

  • Feb. 14, 1895 — 20 inches (This was before the NWS began keeping records, but multiple newspapers from the time reported 20 inches of snow in the area, according to Space City Weather.)

  • Jan. 22, 1940 — 3 inches

  • Feb. 12, 1960 — 3 inches

  • Jan. 30, 1949 — 2.6 inches

  • Dec. 23, 1929 — 2.5 inches

  • Jan. 12, 1973 — 2 inches

  • Dec. 22, 1989 — 1.7 inches

  • Feb. 2, 1980 — 1.4 inches

  • Dec. 10, 2008 — 1.4 inches

With afternoon temperatures well above freezing, and even some sun, the snow has been melting. All the resulting water will be transformed into nice, smooth ice by the hard freeze expected overnight tonight. This has the potential to make Wednesday morning very dangerous on the roads.  

Take a Book. Share a Book. by Woodland Heights Civic Association

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend...
...Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
- Groucho Marx

"Take a Book. Share a Book." This is the rallying cry of the nonprofit organization Little Free Library, headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota. Their goal "is to be a catalyst for building community, inspiring readers, and expanding book access through a global network of volunteer-led Little Free Library book-exchange boxes."

A stroll through our neighborhood indicates that many of our neighbors feel the same way and have built their own free library boxes to share their favorite books with others. With the start of a new school year just beginning a few weeks ago, it seemed only fitting to highlight the Little Free Libraries across our neighborhood. Their offers are for young and old alike, all sharing these neighborhood libraries for all who love reading.

For information on the Little Free Library World map visit https://littlefreelibrary.org/map/ enter your zip code and you'll be able to find LFL near you. There are also a variety of other other resources to help you build a LFL of your own, information on how to set up your library, and ways to stock it with books.

For more information on the Little Free Library organization, including how to become a Little Free Library Steward, resources to replenish your book collection, or kits to build your own library, they have resources available to support you. Visit https://littlefreelibrary.org/books/ for more information and to replenish your book collection for your readers.

2024 LITH - We Have A Winner! Beat the Rush - Order Yours Today! by Woodland Heights Civic Association

This is a mock-up of the 2024 Lights in the Heights Ornament. It is not to scale or an exact replica of what the final cloisonné ornament will look like.

A big THANK YOU to all the artists who submitted their designs during the 2024 Open Call for Ornament/Logo Design contest. It is now official we have a winner!

We extend our heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS TO Karla Cisneros for her winning design which recognizes both the Bayou City, NASA, and a favorite Woodland Heights unofficial mascot.

Accompanying her entry and why it is a fitting tribute for consideration, the artist, a proud member of our community, said, "While most people don't necessarily associate dinosaurs with Christmas, here in the Woodland Heights, the "Travisaurus" at Travis Elementary School has sparked the creation of playful and fanciful dinosaur-themed decorations during Lights in the Heights. Imagining our neighborhood T-Rex as an astronaut is a nod to Houston's identity and historic role in space exploration."

"Travisaurus" will be the official logo design for all 2024 Lights in the Heights merchandise, which will be available for pre-order at the Woodland Heights store. In addition, the logo will be featured on signage for this year's event. You can place your order today to be sure you get your ornament! Proceeds raised will be used to secure street closure permits, security and police presence, and provide port-a-cans in addition to signage and other necessary items, helping to make the Lights In the Heights event in December a memorable one.

The 1930 Model A Ford Coupe Leads the Way by Woodland Heights Civic Association

Photograph of a 1930 Model A Ford Coupe

Charles Philpott, a proud member of the Restorer Model A Ford Club of America, drove the red 1930 Model A Ford Coupe that led the 4th of July Kids Parade around the Norhill Esplanade. This vintage automobile, a cherished part of his family's history, has been in their possession for an impressive 64 years.

His father, a man of remarkable skill and dedication, restored cars as a hobby. The red Ford Coupe, a symbol of his passion, was not one of his restoration projects. Charles fondly recalls that of the cars his father restored, "Some were in absolutely horrible condition when he got them. His most challenging restoration was a 1928 paddy wagon from the Chicago area."

Tom Philpott, a dedicated Restorer Model A Ford Club of America member, wrote about that particular vehicle. For those interested in its restoration, we've included Mr. Philpott's story. Click on the button below to read his article. His son Charles, a man committed to preserving his father's legacy, provided a copy of his article.

2024 WHCA 4TH OF JULY KIDS PARADE! by Woodland Heights Civic Association

The WHCA Annual 4th of July Kids Parade was well attended and provided families with a chance to get together and celebrate the U.S.'s 248th birthday!

Kids and parents arrived with their favorite rides decked up to join the parade around the Norhill esplanade. Before the parade they were treated to popsicles, glow sticks, and festive beads to keep cool. Think Tacos was on hand for any hardy bites. Their tacos were excellent and enjoyed by many. Their tacos were excellent and enjoyed by many.

Special thanks to Constable Lemons and Constable Early for being on hand to watch over everyone and ensure a safe ride. We appreciate their always being on hand when called on.

Since 2011, Woodland Heights Civic Association has administered a Constable Patrol Program, serviced by Harris County Precinct One. Our Constable Patrol Program is a supplemental police force, currently two deputies, hired to patrol our neighborhood for two 40-hour shifts per week. This program is funded solely by paid subscriptions. Please help us sustain both of our patrol shifts and encourage your neighbors to join — the more members we have, the more patrol coverage we can support. If you would like to support the WHCA Constable Patrol visit our website and sign up!

JOIN US FOR THE WHCA ANNUAL 4TH OF JULY KIDS PARADE! by Woodland Heights Civic Association

2023 Annual 4th of July Kids Parade Participants

Join us on July 4th from 6-8pm at Norhill Esplanade for our annual WHCA 4th of July Kids Parade!

Date: July 4th, 2024

Time: 6 pm - 8 pm

Location: Norhill Esplanade

Get ready for a evening of fun with your friends, family, and neighbors. Gussy up your kids bikes and meet us at the Norhill Esplanade so they can participate in this annual bike ride/parade!

  • Charles Philpott will lead the parade in his 1930 Model A Ford Coupe.

  • The Constable Patrol will be on hand for security and parade festivities assistance.

  • Think Tacos will be on hand for food and drinks

  • WHCA will provide fee bottled water and popsicles (until they run out).

The event is open to the neighborhood, making it a perfect opportunity to connect with your neighbors and foster a sense of unity.

So mark your calendars and let's make this 4th of July celebration one to remember. We look forward to seeing you there and creating cherished memories together!

LIGHTS IN THE HEIGHTS PLANNING IS UNDERWAY! by Woodland Heights Civic Association

Lights in the Heights, a heartwarming holiday gathering that has been a part of our community since 1988, is scheduled for December 14, 2024. The planning for this beloved event is currently underway, and we warmly invite you to contribute! Your participation is what makes this event truly special. Here's how you can get involved in the planning:

Call for Ornament Designs

Imagine your design becoming the official Lights in the Heights Logo for 2024 and featured on the annual Lights in the Heights ornament! We're calling on all our creative neighbors and friends to be a part of Lights in the Heights history by submitting their design ideas to the Committee.  The chosen design will be showcased on signs, posters, letters, T-shirts, and tree ornaments. As a tradition, the artist's name will be included on the underside of the ornament and mentioned on the card that accompanies it. Don't miss this unique opportunity to contribute to our community's history. Please email your submissions to LightsInTheHeights@gmail.com by July 1, 2024.

Texas Parks & Wildlife - Bayou City Episode by Woodland Heights Civic Association

  • Take a tour of the last preserved bayou in the Bayou City with Mark Kramer from the Armand Bayou Nature Center and learn of the importance the habitat plays in flood control.

  • Houston Parks & Recreation Department (HPARD) has begun restoring riparian habitat along the bayous. HPARD's Kelli Ondracek discusses the restoration project at Milby Park.

  • Little White Oak Bayou in Woodland Park is among the unique riparian habitats slated for restoration by HPARD.

Meet some of Houston’s most dedicated bayou conservationists, learn about issues the bayou ecosystem has faced over the past century, and see some hope for keeping an urban area and its watery wilderness in balance.
— Program 3004 - October 31-November 6, 2021, and May 1- 7, 2022

Woodland Heights Permits Approved in April 2022 by Woodland Heights Civic Association

Below are permits sold by the city of houston to houses in our neighborhood from April 1 to May 2. These are for a variety of things: additions, pools, electrical work, etc. Please contact deedrestrictions@woodland-heights.org

1120 E. 6th 1/2

1102 E. 7th

205 Bayland

423 Bayland

803 Bayland

820 Bayland

1012 Bayland

204 Byrne

417 Byrne

526 Byrne

616 Byrne

715 Byrne

936 Byrne

2626 Beauchamp

2714 Beauchamp

403 Euclid

614 Euclid

817 Euclid

935 Euclid

1030 Euclid

709 Highland

808 Highland

1010 Highland

1014 Highland

1017 Highland

3006 Houston

2603 Julian

902 Merrill

940 Merrill

943 Merrill

1112 Merrill

1136 Merrill

2512 Norhill

411 Omar

710 Omar

1011 Omar

1128 Omar

1129 Omar

408 Pecore

600 Pecore

702 Pecore

709 Pecore

506 Redan

907 Redan

2624 Reagan

701 Ridge

706 Ridge

804 Ridge

929 Ridge

916 Ridge

501 Teetshorn

825 Usener

1038 Usener

1107 Usener

2503 White Oak

2531 White Oak

308 Woodland

902 Woodland

District H Town Hall Recording Now Available Online by Woodland Heights Civic Association

A recording of the District H Town Hall, including discussions of both Redistricting as well as the District's Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), is now available to view online here. As a reminder, the public can attend any Town Hall meeting, a list of which can be viewed on the Redistricting website here. Residents who cannot attend the meetings in person may choose to attend a virtual meeting on May 25th at 6pm

Houston is First City to Adopt Children's Bill of Rights in Sports by Woodland Heights Civic Association

The Mayor’s Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence (MOHT&DV) announced the City of Houston's adoption of the Children’s Bill of Rights in Sports.

This initiative builds healthy children and communities through sports, by working with local organizations on the positive physical and mental health benefits needed for young people to thrive and learn.

Organizations may be eligible for grant funds to implement new programs and services. See the media release here.

East End Street Festival this Saturday by Woodland Heights Civic Association

The 2022 East End Street Fest is a celebration of art, music and heritage in East End Houston. Come and enjoy performances by various Mexican and Chicano artists during Cinco de Mayo week. There will be dance performances, kids activities, and a car show. Admission is free! Follow this link for more details.

When: Sat, May 7th, 12-6pm

Where: 2600 Navigation Blvd

Volunteer Fair for High School Students by Woodland Heights Civic Association

Leonel Castillo Community Center will be hosting a Volunteer Fair for high school students who are looking to connect with agencies and organizations that need volunteers for the summer. This event will be held outdoors and snacks will be provided as well as other fun activities.

When: Sat, May 14th, 3-7pm

Where: Leonel Castillo Community Center, 2101 South St

Houston Welcomes 10 New Historic Landmarks by Woodland Heights Civic Association

In advance of Historic Preservation Month in May, Houston welcomed 10 new historic landmarks spanning the city in five different City Council Districts. Houston City Council approved the new landmarks on April 20. There are two landmarks and eight protected landmarks including Third Ward's Eldorado Ballroom built in 1939 and located at 2310 Elgin St. in Council District D.

Learn more about historic landmark designations. View this presentation to see photos of all the new landmarks.

Read this Texas State Historical Association article about the Eldorado's rich history in Houston.